Don’t waste that small bit of wax thats always left in the bottom of your lovely scented candles! Instead, turn those small pieces of wax into a beautiful DIY layered candle. All you need are some old candles, a clean jar for your new candle, a microwave safe glass dish, and a candle wick.

layered candle tutorial from

1. Start by getting the leftover wax out of its original candle holder. If you set the candle in your freezer overnight, you can almost just pop the leftover wax out. If it doesn’t pop right out, some nudging with a butter knife usually does the trick.

2. Put a candle wick into your new candle jar. I like to use wicks with a metal bottom, like the one below. You can put a little glue on the bottom to hold it in place, making it really simple to use.

layered candle tutorial from

3. Put one color or scent of leftover wax into your microwavable dish (I used a mason jar). I chose to start with white wax.

layered candle tutorial from

4. Microwave the wax in 30 second increments, stirring in between with a butter knife.

layered candle tutorial from

5. Pour the liquid wax into your new jar. Allow the wax to cool, and make sure your wick stays standing straight.

layered candle tutorial from

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each layer.

layered candle tutorial from

7. When your new candle jar is filled almost to the top, cut the wick to about a half inch long.

layered candle tutorial from

8. Enjoy your new candle!

layered candle tutorial from

I also made a little slideshow of the process…

So start saving cute candle jars and leftover wax to make these layered candles! They make fun inexpensive gifts, and give me an excuse to buy candles in cute jars, so I can reuse the jar later on!

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